Sunday, March 3, 2013

What We Once Thought...

Has anyone ever felt like when you first meet someone and you instantly click and you feel like you guys are destined to be best friends? Trust me, I’ve been in that cycle for about multiple times now. It is not a good feeling at the end. For example, I’ve met this girl through mutual friends. I thought we would instantly be good friends because we have mutual interest but without that interest, there’s nothing there. We barely talk, we don’t hang out unless it’s with the whole group. I didn’t mind because that’s how she wants things to be. Another example, I became friends with this girl who shared everything I’ve gone through so we would be like the best friends ever because if I ever go through something, she would know what to do because she’s been through it. What I hate with a passion is texting. Not texting in general. It’s who texts first. I don’t mind texting my friends first because I want to talk to them but it gives me that feeling that they don’t want to talk to me so they don’t text me and to be honest, it hurts because everything we’ve shared, I thought it could’ve been there in the long run. Now, I barely speak to both of those girls. It wasn’t my idea to just drop friendships but like a relationship, it takes two to form one. But because of this action, it had made me really aware of who my true friends are and to be honest, I don’t mind if I don’t have a lot. It’s those few that matters. The key point is that, when you think you’ve made a best friend in a short amount of time, give it time because it can hurt you at the end if you think they are your best friend when in reality, they were just another friend that you got along with at first.

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